Privacy Policy

The declaration of our privacy policy

Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Inc.(hereinafter, referred to as “our group”) considers itself as a corporate organization that recognizes the importance of managing the personal information gathered from customers as the result of business activities. We set the following as the basic policies for personal information and to establish a controlled environment, wherein we can properly manage the information related to the customers and take appropriate actions.
Our privacy policy broad outlines are as follows.

*The “Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Group” refers to Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Inc., OHAYO DAIRY PRODUCTS CO., LTD., ExL.Pack-Kabaya Co., Ltd., Square-building Co., Ltd., SETONAIKAI KEIZAI REPORT CO., LTD., Link & Linkage Inc., Tokyo Leisure Development Inc., Life Design KABAYA, Inc., Total Assist Kabaya Inc., Sanyu School Corporation, Sanyu Gakuen Educational Corporation and their related entities.

  1. We clarify the internal rules of dealing with personal information and strive to ensure that with all employees.
    We determine the protective direction for the personal information below, and the directors, staffs and counterparty will be bound to protect these personal information.
  2. We may collect, store and use the personal information appropriately.
  3. When collecting the personal information, we shall clarify and inform the purpose of use and collect them with the approval of the customer.
    The personal information gathered shall be used according to the purpose of use that was notified to the customer when collecting information.
  4. We will not, without your approval, supply your personal information to any third party.
  5. We endeavor to keep the content of personal information accurate and up to date, within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use.
  6. If the user would like to delete, stop the usage, amend or change the personal information collected from the customer, please send an inquiring email to the following email address, and we shall handle it sincerely.
  7. We shall take the necessary and appropriate measurements to prevent accidents such as leaking of personal information gathered from our customers.
  8. In having an employee handle personal information, we exercise the necessary and appropriate supervision over that employee to ensure the secure management of the personal information.
  9. We accept an examination by independent entities, such as external audits, to maintain the dealing of the personal information.

Final Revision on August 1st, 2024
Established January 1st, 2017
Tokyo Leisure Development Inc.
CEO Ikeda Motohiro

Privacy Policy

Our group shows our privacy policy and considers itself as a corporate to recognize the importance of management of the personal information gathered from customers(hereinafter, referred to as the “user”)as a result of the business activities.
We determines the below personal information protection direction, and companies, associations, and other such organizations using our services(hereinafter, referred to as the “using company”) are bound to protect these personal information.

Personal Information

Personal Information is the information of the user itself, and all information given such as name, address, phone number, email, birth information, school graduated, etc. will be included. Any other information that would lead up to the user be recognized (including using, browsing, searching, bookmarking history or any other action history of the user) are included as personal information.

Collecting the personal information

Collecting, distributing and using personal information without the agreement of the user is an infringement of the user’s rights, and at the same time, this will resulting in losing our company’s trust. Therefore, we will stipulate the rule and will use and manage the personal information rightfully. When collecting personal information from the user, we will clarify the purpose of retrieving and creating an inquiry counter and then will only retrieve the necessary information.

Security of personal information

We will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.


Given the importance of protecting personal information, we will strictly adhere to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (so-called “Personal Information Protection Act”) as well as other laws, ordinances and guidelines to properly handle personal information and take appropriate measures for secure management.
We will also ensure that personal information is not mishandled and will properly educate and supervise those who are engaged in business operations, etc. on the appropriate handling of personal information. We will continue to review and improve our handling of personal information and our methods for secure management.

Purpose for using the personal information

We notify individual respondents of or make public our purposes for using the personal information and use it only to the extent necessary to accomplish the following purposes.

  • To identify the user and provide services to the user.
  • To issue, calculate, and use points and to manage the point program smoothly.
  • To distribute and send notifications, mail magazines, DM, and any other type of notifications from our services.
  • To provide personal information to the counter party with the agreement and compliance from the user.
  • To provide our services and contents/advertising based on the attribute information, PCs and mobile devices, analysis of activity logs and positional data.
  • To improve our services, develop new services, investigate and analyze the utilization situation of points and other marketing activities.
  • To conduct campaigns, surveys, monitoring, and interviews.
  • To distribute URL information to the sender of a blank email.
  • To verify and respond to the posted comments, inquiries and suggestions about our services.

Recipient Information

In order to send the products or message to a third person, we may have to obtain the address other than the user’s. The information obtained for this purpose shall not be used for anything else except for the original purpose. The user shall be responsible for the registration, changing and deleting the address information, and we shall not hold any responsibility. If you wish to change/delete the information, please contact the user directly. If you do not recognize the information given, please contact the email address as below.

Providing the necessary information.

If you would not enter the necessary information, you will not be able to obtain the services.

Sharing the personal information

Our group will shear the personal information within the group.

1) Personal information that we shared
The information about the user such as name, address, phone number, email, date of birth, school information and any other information that recognizes the users. It also includes other information that would not directly but by its comparison with other information distinguish the user (Service history and any other action history such as browsing and search history, bookmarks, etc.)
2) Shared companies
Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Inc., OHAYO DAIRY PRODUCTS CO., LTD., ExL.Pack-Kabaya Co., Ltd., Square-building Co., Ltd., SETONAIKAI KEIZAI REPORT CO., LTD., Link & Linkage Inc., Tokyo Leisure Development Inc., Life Design KABAYA, Inc., Total Assist Kabaya Inc., Sanyu School Corporation, Sanyu Gakuen Educational Corporation.
3) Purpose of use to share.
We only share the personal information within the “purpose of use” stated.
4) Name of the company responsible of supervising the personal information shared.
Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Inc.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

In principal, our group will not supply the personal information to the third party without the agreement of the user itself. We will only supply when given the agreement from user after specifying where and what we will provide.

1) Recipient and Purpose
We will supply to the company using our services to provide the services such as requesting the materials application, reservation, purchase, etc.
2) What we provide
The information of the user itself, and all information given such as name, address, phone number, email, birth information, school graduated, etc. will be included. And any other information that would lead up to the recognition of the user (including using, browsing, searching, bookmarking history or any other action history of the user) are included as personal information.
3) How to provide
We will be sending in writing or electromagnetically.
  • If there is a risk of harming the lives, health, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or third parties
  • If there is a special need for the enterprise to handle the Personal Information outside its Purpose of Use in order to improve public health or promote healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Person.
  • If it is necessary for the enterprise to provide the third party with the Personal Data in order to cooperate with a national government organization, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the Person is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions.
  • When courts, public prosecutors, police, bar associations, consumer centers, or any organizations vested with the authority in these bodies demand that Personal Information is disclosed.
  • Disclose to a third party will cease based on request of the party concerned.
  • If disclosure is required in accordance with statutory provisions or by any governmental office for the purpose of performing its duties or if disclosure without consent from the member concerned is permitted by laws and regulations.
  • In cases to provide personal information with business succession by merger or other reasons, or if handled in succession before the range of purposes.


In the case of the following, we will not be held accountable when the third party acquires the personal information.

  • When the user itself uses our service or other ways and discloses the personal information to the company using our services.
  • When the user is identified unexpectedly by information entered for our service.
  • When the personal information that the user enters in an external website from the link of our service is used.
  • When the information to identify the user (ID, password etc.) is obtained by any person other than the user.


Our group will outsource the handling of all/part of the personal information. We shall hold all responsibility for the outsource handling of personal information.

Using statistical data

Our group, with the information retrieved, may make statistically processed data by which the person cannot be identified. Our group will use this data freely without any restrictions.

Disclosure and correction of the personal information

In principal, we will respond to requests from the party concerned for notification on purpose of use, information content revision, additions and deletions, termination of use, deletions and stoppage of provision to a third party as well as disclosure. Please refer to contact center below. However, we may not respond to requests in the following cases.

  • If there is a risk of harming the lives, health, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or of third parties
  • If there is a risk of causing considerable impediment to the proper execution of our business
  • If in cases where required by law

Also, if user may require a large amount of money available to third parties to stop the use of personal information, even if it is difficult to perform such other suspension, when we came to take measures necessary to place it, and may not respond to the suspension.

Maintaining the Accuracy of Data

Our group endeavors to keep the content of personal information accurate and up to date; however, the user takes responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

Sensitive information

Our group shall not collect the following sensitive information except when the user provides it to us.

  • Information concerning creed (including political opinion, religion, thought).
  • Information concerning race, ethnic group, family origin, legal domicile, physical or mental disorder, criminal records which will lead to social discrimination.
  • Information related to the right of workers to organize and to bargain and act collectively.
  • Information related to participation in collective industrial action, the exercise of the right of petition, and other matters concerning the exercise of political rights
  • Information related to health condition, medical treatment, sexual orientation, etc.

Identity verification

We may ask you to provide us some information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, email id, membership ID or password as a proof of your identity. Our group assumes no responsibility when a third person authorizes oneself to use the personal information.

Compliance program

To pursue our privacy policy, our group establishes a compliance program to observe the protection of personal information and ensure through training and education that our employees comply with the applicable codes and norms. We will also continue to revise and improve our policies to maintain the best privacy policy.


Our group may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website except when otherwise provided by laws and ordinances.


Our group will not handle the personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use.
If the user would like to stop, amend or change the personal information which we collected from the customers, please fill in the following information and send back to us (If do not understand whom to send, please send to “about the personal information inquiries” by email.

  1. 1) name
  2. 2) address
  3. 3) contact phone number
  4. 4) email
  5. 5) enquiries
Contact Center
Contact center of our privacy policy

Final Revision on August 1st, 2024
January 1st, 2017 established